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Client Testimonials - Referrals

Referral Reward Program:

Referrals from existing clients are much welcomed. We express our appreciation as follows: a free month is added to the referring firm's current subscription; and their renewal rate will not increase on renewal. And while supplies last we send the referrer a complimentary copy of Beth O'Kelly's latest novel: SECRETS. We also add a free 13th month to the newly-referred client's annual subscription plan and we also give them a special price discount

Below you will find some unsolicited yet much valued testimonials from our clients. We work hard to deserve them and their comments inspire us:

I'm no longer working at AEA as of Monday. Your daily bulletin was always very helpful for my work. Greatly appreciate it!

Laura Casale, Manager of Client Relations

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Thank you Patrick! it was great to speak with you and get the RFP Leads tour. You were very helpful and I 'm looking forward to using the site and all the tools.


Audrey Schaefer, Director of business development, Bluewater Studio

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Hi Patrick,

Thank you so much for reaching out and offering support. I've actually found the platform to be quite intuitive, and am putting it to great use with no challenges at the moment!

We highly appreciate you checking in, and will make sure to get in touch if we bump into any blockers or challenges.

On behalf of Potion, thank you for building such a powerful tool.

All the best,

Dalal Aljassim, Potion Design

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"I've only been with my firm for a few weeks. Your service has been a god send ! And thanks Patrick so much for the very helpful tutorial tour yesterday. I learned a lot."

Mitchell Stein, Business Development Manager, The Hettema Group.

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Hi Patrick, Of all the sources we use, RFP-Leads stands out as the one that fits our BD needs the best.

Carrie Chisholm.

Business Development and Marketing Professional'

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Hi Patrick

Thank you very much again for the wonderful detailed tour today. It was amazing talking to you. Also, thank you Stephanie for being on the call and helping me with the troubleshooting. I appreciate your time and effort on this. I learned so much and cannot wait to explore everything!

Nilou Maleki, Director of Marketing
Monadnock Media Inc,

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I've looked at all your competitors. You are the best in the business.

Kirsten Flett

Director, Marketing and Development. Lord Cultural Resources.

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Hello Patrick
We really appreciate using your website over many years. And have to say that your customer service is unmatched in terms or quick response and helpfulness.

Brad Parker, Director of Business Development, BPI.

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Dear Patrick and Beth:

We thank you very much for your thorough service delivered with personal care, and we wish you the best with your work in the coming year.
Sincerely yours,
Andrea Lamberti AIA LEED AP BD+C
Rafael Viñoly Architects

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Hi Patrick

We have been using RFP Leads for a number of years and each day when the email hits your inbox, excitement begins! The software provides solid leads and active RFPs for our firm in relevant markets such as higher education and cultural. The information provided on each opportunity, direct links to find RFPs easily and the quality of information that is provided each day is well worth our annual subscription. We have found many successful leads that we have transformed into projects for our firm from RFP Leads. It is a must for lead tracking, highly recommend to anyone in the AEC industry.

Amy Cuddy, Director of Marketing Operations, Ayers/Saint/Gross Architect + Planners (410) 347-8500)

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I live by your service nowadays. If you need a referral please have people call me at 781 948 1832.

Pete Dorson
Mystic Scenic Studios, Inc.

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Beth, Patrick, Diana, & Team:

We thank you for all of the help and information RFP-Leads has provided for us. Your site is a valuable tool and the service and dedication to the client is top-notch.

Tina Healy
Prescott Muir Architects

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Dear Patrick:

I just wanted to say that since signing up recently we have won three or four new jobs
from opportunities you identified in RFP-Leads Source.

Your help showing me how to take advantage of previously saved searches
has also saved me a lot of time. Many thanks.

Pierre Giguere

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Dear Diana:

I find your service excellent. I would have to spend hours of valuable time
if I had to search for all the leads I get from you myself. Please tell your
Research Team that they do an excellent job. keep up the good work!

Marsha Miller
R.G. Vanderweil Engineers LLP

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You will be pleased to hear we have won $10 million of new
business from leads you identified this past year (2008).
Many thanks and keep up the good work.

Tony Webber, President
Southwest Museum Services.

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Dear Patrick and Beth -

Just wanted to say a big thank you for LOKI's feature on your homepage
- it looks great! I love working with RFP-Leads and will continue to
recommend your services to all who work in the industry of interpretation
and cultural attractions. You guys are a little company's lifeline!

Cheers, Amanda
Amanda Adams, RPA
LOKI Interpretive Group

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We signed up for your service last month in hopes of expanding into
the cultural marketplace. Yesterday we won an $80,000
contract from the US Army Corps of Engineers -- which we learned
about from your website. Keep those leads coming!

Tony Stankus, President/Owner
RND Exhibits International

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Hi Beth & Patrick,

You have done and continue to do a wonderful job providing
these services. You have developed rfp-leads as a comprehensive,
thoughtful, user-friendly, timely and reliable tool. The fact that
you are such nice people is the frosting on top.

We look forward to your new features.

Thanks - Felicia

Felicia O’Keefe, Marketing Director


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Beth: "Your service has helped me go after millions of dollars worth
of work I might not have otherwise found. Kudos, kudos, kudos!"

Pete Dorson, Mystic Scenic Studios, Inc.

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Beth and Patrick,
Let me start by saying that I am very happy with your focus
on providing features that benefit your clients. It is very
obvious that your focus is to grow your business through a
satisfied clientele, and I greatly appreciate that. The new
features you are continuing to roll out have been great.

Sheriece Morris, Development Director, Haizlip Studio

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"Patrick, I want you to know how pleased I am with your lead
service. It is by far the most cost-effective and
time-efficient way for our firm to find project
possibilities, and the customer service we've gotten from
you, Beth and Diana has never been less than excellent.
Count our firm as a satisfied customer and keep those daily
e-mails coming!"

William (Biff) Baird
Managing Partner, Exhibit Design Associates

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"Sign us up as Charter Members! I can't imagine a day
without my RFP/Leads leads from you. Can't wait to watch
your site unfold. I know this must be exciting
for you, Beth and the whole team -- your loyal subscribers like me
share in your joy!"


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"We’ve been a charter member for just two days and already
we have found a lead we intend to pursue."
Director of Marketing, Intervision

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On request, we will be happy to provide other client references.


When I signed on with RFP-Leads Source three months ago I was frankly skeptical. Now, I am happy to report that through your service I have secured more than a year's work. I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to put my subscription on hold until I am in a position to look for more opportunities. Please keep in touch."

Monica Post
MPR Consulting.

Editor's note: Six months later, Monica reactivated her subscription and has hired two staff members to help feed the pipeline until her current project is finished.

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Thank you for your services during the past two years. I will continue to refer your website and listing service to our network. We have used many services like yours in the past and I think RFP-Leads Source is far and away the best and the most reasonably priced.

Elizabeth Cerda
Behnisch Studio East

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Hi Patrick and Cheriece,

It was great chatting with you this morning and I just wanted you to know how helpful I found the tutorial. These saved searches will make my review of the leads much easier, allowing me to put my time into following up and responding to these leads rather than searching for them. I was also happy to learn about the bookmarks and notes field, which will also be a big help.

It's a great feature, I hope that more people will take you up on it to work smarter not harder.


Two days later she emailed the following:

Hi Patrick,

I know I already told you how great the tutorial was, but I just wanted you to know how much I'm enjoying using the tailored search parameters. It really is making my job easier. I'm so impressed!

Just thought I'd tell you how well it's working out, because we usually don't hear enough praise.


Amanda Leier
Marketing Coordinator

AldrichPears Associates | Planning and design for museums, science centers, zoos and interpretive centres

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Hello Patrick:

Thank you for the quality of service you have provided over the past year.

Nick Armitage

Zaha Hadid Architects

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Hello Patrick and Beth:

I wanted to let you know that the RFP leads service has been an amazing tool that I and my team have been using it daily. Thank you for this amazing service.


Atul Garg | Director, Sales and Marketing |
| Tour-Mate Systems Canada Limited |
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Hello Patrick

I just wanted you to know that we rate your service highly

Stephen Richards,

Paragon Creative Services


I want to thank you for the amazing care and devotion that you have to clients and potential clients, the audio-tour that we had was of huge help to understand the in’s and out’s of the RFP-leads website.
Best wishes to you and your business endeavours, it was truly a pleasure keeping contact with you!

Reinis Rauda
Design studio H2E


We checked around and RFP-Leads is by far the best leads generation service out there.

Grayson Bagwell


Hello Patrick – Congratulations on your nine year anniversary. Service and information has been first-rate at every turn.

All my best for your future success,

Experiential Spaces for Work and Life

Erich Zuern


The training Patrick provided was great, and we really love the tool.

Will Brotz


As the director of a small media studio, what I like about RFP-Leads.com is that it makes us feel connected with the industry. It provides opportunities to network with colleagues and helps us find those unique projects where we can shine. Many times the early “News” items (long before an RFP is formulated) are the most valuable listings for us. In my view, your website, service and quality of market intelligence sets the bar for the gold standard in your industry. Besides, it is a total joy speaking with you! I will be delighted to provide further insights to potential clients.

Kaya Sanan
Sanan Media, Inc.


Thanks Patrick – you know RFP leads has been a great source for me.

Tracy Lawler
JGL Food Service Consultants
732 274 1694


Hi Patrick;

Thank you for the wonderful tutorial, and the kind words!
The interface is quite intuitive, and the tour certainly helped to make it that much more functional for me!

Appreciate your time, and for the great directions...

Char Jackson
Marketing Coordinator
Eisterhold Associates, Inc.


I appreciate you giving me time to experiment with the service. It's a great service. A no brainer for firms focused on cultural and entertainment. Happy to recommend you to folks in my network.

Jeremy Agraz
Associate Principal
Woods Bagot Architects



I've been recommending you to some of my colleagues. I told them that your customer service and support is unparalleled."

Matt Kirchman


Thanks for all the great service you've offered to us over the years.

Bill Message

Vice President
Andre & Associates



It's been a pleasure working with you – thank you, and your team – for all of the due diligence and responsiveness.


Delphine Daniels, Assoc. AIA
Director of Marketing + Business Development

Architects+Urban Designers


Hi Beth,

Long-time subscriber, first time writer : ) I hope your 2020 is off to a good start. Happy new year!
Thanks — love my daily dose of RFP Leads!
All best. Jeremy

Jeremy Taylor
Director of Project Development, GSM Project


Dear Patrick,

You provide an amazing service and almost more importantly, you are such a kind person. RFP-Leads is the quintessential radar of the industry.

You guys have been and are wonderful. I never look at it as a service, I look at it as getting hints from friends.

Kaya Sanan
Director, Sanan Media Inc.


Hello Patrick:

Over the past year we've had to adapt and change our business model and now find we're not going after the kinds of leads you put together. So I'm letting you know we won't be renewing our subscription in a few days. We continue to be big fans of your service... and if we evolve back in that direction we'll look at picking it up again. Again, thanks for all the good work and best wishes for your excellent service.

Paul Haynes, AIA, NCARB
InterActive Group, LLC


Hi Patrick
We have enjoyed and found your services very useful and hope that you will be able to continue providing those services to the various creative fields and industries you represent.

Thank you for your many years of service and we wish you well going forward.

Sincerely, Skip

Ralph Skip Rhodes
Principal/Creative Director

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