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Not getting your daily bulletin from us?


Earlier this year, as we have already shared (see below) , some daily bulletins were not always
consistently delivered due to heightened levels of global spam filter security systems.

After working closely with our ISP, Host Papa, we reached out to a specialist website
development company. They were tasked with updating our PHP mail sending code.

The daily bulletin, effective August 13/24 is now coming from a new email address:


If you are not receiving the bulletin please check your spam/junk and whitelist it.

For reference only, here is what we had previously posted:

Since the beginning of June/24 some clients have not received their daily bulletin emails.
We can assure you that while your bulletin continues to be sent out from our website,
Spamhaus started blocking the daily bulletin as spam which affected one third of our clients.
Our ISP Host Papa continues to work with Spamhaus to delist us. No ETA has been set.

In the interim Host Papa installed Mailchannels which improved delivery significantly.
But we continue to have spotty results.


Login and then to see the most recent daily bulletin, click near bottom center of the home page:

"Most recent daily bulletin"

The postings are listed alphabetically by country.

To see all recent daily bulletins: click Clear Search.

Then you will see all the daily bulletins from most recent going back through time. Click on the Down button
near top left of screen to push back through time to see the next 80 postings and so on at 80 more per click.

We share your frustration if you are not receiving our daily bulletin. We have not made any changes to our
website for many years. But we continue to work hard to resolve the delivery issues that are beyond our control.


Limited testing indicates that bulletins sent to Iphone iCloud email addresses are not being blocked.
Feel free to send us your iCloud email address and we will send the bulletin to your Iphone. It will likely go to Junk. You can move it to the regular iCloud mail box to "unjunk" it. Going forward it should not go to junk. You can then forward the bulletin to your laptop or computer. A few extra steps for sure.

Thank you for your understanding.

Patrick and Beth O'Kelly. Founding partners: 888 261 0832 or 519 451 3889.

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