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No Daily Bulletin

Wishing all our Canadian clients a Happy Thanksgiving weekend.

There will be no Daily Bulletin on Monday
October 14th.

Patrick, Beth, Trevor and the entire Research Team

Call us anytime for any reason at 1 888 261 0832 or Email Beth

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RFP-Leads Source


RFP-Leads.com is the world's leading source of market intelligence for firms who work in the cultural, education and attractions sectors. Our core clientele are architects, landscape architects, interpretive planners, exhibit designers, exhibit
fabricators and multimedia specialists. In addition, we have many smaller, more specialized clients that provide such services as signage, lighting, acoustics, business planning, graphic design, etc.

We deliberately aim to maintain a clientele of around 200 (+/-) clients. This approach allows us to provide unparalleled service and support to our 600+ registered users. It also ensures that there is plenty of food on the table! Lately, we've
been identifying 60+ new global opportunities daily.

Every business day of the year we send each user a daily email bulletin which contains everything our expert team of researchers have found globally since the previous day. So, every day the content is brand new. As of January 25,2021 we have
posted more than 165,000 opportunities globally since we launched RFP-Leads.com back in December of 2007. We're proud of the fact that in over 13 years we've never missed sending out the bulletin and our website has never gone down!

All our postings individually curated and are fully searchable on the website. We often say, we don't have a crystal ball, but we do have a fantastic rear-view mirror.

To help our clients take full advantage of our service, we provide a one-hour tutorial tour over the phone. In advance, we create a suite of custom saved searches to enable our clients to quickly identify opportunities that reflect their unique
geography, sectors and services.


RFPs and RFQs and other requests such as Expressions of Interest, Tenders or Bids, typically come from public sources, such as Federal, State/Provincial, and local governments. We regularly check more than 300 sources for this information. What
makes us special is that our team of experienced researchers, personally curate all the postings to make them more accessible to our powerful, onboard search engine. Each posting is carefully checked, edited and verified. It's a time-consuming and
very hands-on, human process to find and determine the relevance of these opportunities since the internet never throws anything away. Our team saves you from many hours of daily grind. Since RFPs are required to be in the public domain, they can
be found by anyone. It's reasonable to assume that if you decide to pursue an RFP you could be up against a lot of competition.


The term "LEADS" typically refers to any kind of opportunity. However, we have a special meaning for the word. Our definition of "LEADS" refers to future projects being planned, proposed or being discussed by the PRIVATE sectors. These include,
non-profits, for-profits, institutions and organizations which are non-governmental. These types of clients rarely post their RFPs and RFQs on the street. Instead PRIVATE-sector clients typically develop a list of firms which they then invite to
bid on their project. If you receive an "invitation to bid" it means you are already on a short list. To ensure you receive as many invitations to bid as possible you need to pro-actively reach out to these future clients and begin a conversation.
Our LEADS postings provide you with everything you need to make contact with your future client. Your minimum objective is to make sure you receive an invitation to bid when the project reaches the RFP/RFQ stage. Many of our clients tell us that
if they have not heard about a project before the RFP stage it is generally too late. Our clients also tell us that our PRIVATE LEADS are the most valuable part of our service


We interpret this sector very broadly. CULTURE includes every kind of museum you can imagine from small historic houses to large history, science or children's museums, nature centers, and everything in between; performing arts centers, theaters,
art galleries, libraries, courthouses, city halls, churches, community centres, recreation centres, convention centers, conference centers, streetscapes, public spaces, waterfronts, riverfronts, urban planning etc.


We cover all levels of EDUCATION from pre-school to university.


We cover all attractions including, visitor centers, gardens, arboretums, botanical gardens, parks, zoos, aquaria, planetaria, water play parks, casinos, sports stadiums, arenas, theme parks and hotels and resorts associated with these
destinations, pavilions, expos, sports, entertainment, special events, expos, Olympics, etc.


We also have a third strand of market intelligence we call NEWS. We don't actually search for NEWS, but we can't avoid it in the course of our daily research. If we feel the story would be of interest to our clientele, we add it to the NEWS
strand. It is worth noting that some NEWS stories are sometimes LEADS as well. For example, if the story was: "New children's museum breaks ground in Seattle" some of our clients would also see this as a LEAD. Architects would not see this as a
LEAD. Exhibit designers, fabricators and multimedia firms would. So, it rather depends on where you are within the food chain.


We have been working on this project for over a year. The user-interface will be more contemporary and themed appropriately. Many new features will be added. These include a mobile version and a daily bulletin which allows you to display your
custom search results. Prior to release, we will add a beta-test site link for clients to explore and provide valuable feedback.

This document was updated on November 15, 2019 by Patrick O'Kelly, Partner. You can reach him at + 519 451 9007 or by email: patrick@rfp-leads.com

Usually the home page feature is reserved for clients who would like to showcase their firm and its portfolio. When we have no clients ready to jump in, we replace it with our own information. If you are a client and would like to have a free
display on our home page for a minimum of three weeks, please contact Patrick.

Call us anytime for any reason at 1 888 261 0832 or email
All material on this site is protected by international copyright laws. Use of this site is subject to our terms and conditions.
©2007-2023 RFP-LEADS SOURCE All Rights Reserved.
See Pricing, Terms & Conditions on home page.